They are not at all lying when they say that, “It’s all in the mind”. We spend most of our lives searching for freedom outside of us, whereas the key to actual freedom lies within. We feel that if we can manage to get rid of that person or that duty or that job or that habit then we will be totally free.
Again, we have very logical and rational reasons for why we can’t free ourselves from those things!
We all give reasons such as,
- ‘I will have to do that, I don’t have any option’
- ‘I have to be with that person I can’t avoid him or her’
- ‘I have to continue that job; I don’t have any other option!’
If you fall into the category of people who feel that they don’t have any option, then my dear friend it’s time you start brainstorming. There are always choices in life. It is just that those ‘choices fall out of our comfort zone’ and therefore you avoid them.
Ask your friends, family & any other person about what they would do in such a situation and you will find many choices. If you don’t want to ask anyone, just distance yourself from your problem and treat it as if it is your friends’ issue. Now, you will be able to view the choices in a better and free way.
- We know that the job that we are doing right now is not giving us the required happiness and satisfaction. It needs to be changed right now. Still, we are stuck somewhere and can’t seem to take any action. WHY?
- A relationship not working well is in our awareness. We have two options, either to break it or to work on it. We still let it go the way it is and don’t bother to do anything about it. WHY?
- An unconscious idea lies in our mind that the way we are right now is not our highest potential. There are chances that if we work on ourselves we can give the best. However, we chose to be mediocre for the rest of our lives. WHY?
Because we FEAR from taking the RESPONSIBILITY of the CONSEQUENCES!
- If you leave your job and start the work, chances are you might fail in the beginning and you will have to work harder.
- If you break a relationship, you might have to be alone. Being alone is one of the biggest things we all fear. If you try to work on it, you will have to forgive, forget and deal with things that you have been suppressing for so long. Those are the hardest things to face.
- If you start working on yourself, you will become a new and better version. But, that process requires you to break your old patterns of working and try something new. That is so damn difficult.
So, if we learn to ‘take responsibility for the consequence’ then we can easily attain freedom in any area of life we want!
The main reason why we fear to take responsibility in our life is the ‘fear of failing’ at anything we do. If you knew that the outcome is going to be as per your expectations at whatever you are going to attempt, then would there be any fear? I’m sure the answer is ‘NO’!
Let’s dive in a bit deeper,
Why do we fear to fail (Whatever we expected did not happen)?
If I fail, what will others think of me? What if they consider me a fool? How will I face the world? How will I answer the questions they impose on me? What if they don’t accept me?
So, there are many reasons why we fear failing. However, if we want to point out a single aspect then it comes to ‘acceptance from the society’. If we fail, we will be answerable to people around us and whether they will confirm our actions or not is very much uncertain.
A little bit deeper….!
Why do we crave confirmation & acceptance from society?
We lack self-acceptance & self-confirmation to a very high extent that we have to depend on society for such basic things! 🙂
The connection with self is the most important thing that will take us towards self-acceptance & confirmation. In such a situation, you won’t need to wait for external validation.
What stops us from connecting to ourselves?
Our fears, beliefs, thoughts, insecurities, and ego create a veil due to which we feel disconnected from our own selves. This disconnection creates all kinds of mental confusion, which not only breaks our connection with ourselves but also weakens our self-belief.
When you are free from all the fear that clutches your mind, the insecurities that drag you down, beliefs that misguide you and the ego that keeps breaking you, that is what we call the ultimate “FREEDOM”!
So, ultimately if you want freedom then you will have to work on your own self!
Photo by CMDR Shane on Unsplash
LOTS OF LOVE ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥